Water is remarkably absorptive and water conditions can even vary from municipality to municipality. However, we can supply, install or repair water treatment equipment to give you the desired water quality you are looking for. The following is a non-complete list of equipment we can help you with. We can also test your water if you’re not sure what the condition of your water is.
Water Softeners
Many areas in Ontario have quite hard water (magnesium and calcium). Guelph’s water is between 25 and 30 grains hard, where the desired level is 2 or less. A water softener is definitely recommended to keep your plumbing, clothes, hair, dishes, etc. in good shape.
Iron Filters
More common in rural areas or buildings with a well water source, iron can also be high in Ontario. The water softeners that we commonly supply can handle iron up to 5 grains per gallon, but water with iron levels higher than that should have an additional iron filter.
Sediment/Carbon Filters
If your water source has a risk of sediment or if you have vulnerable equipment (ex. ultra-violet light), a sediment filter is recommended. Carbon filters may also be recommended for different situations where odour is a concern.
Reverse Osmosis
Some people have a preference for drinking water with all minerals removed. A reverse osmosis installed under the kitchen sink can provide clean water to a separate drinking water faucet.
Ultra Violet.
For situations where bacteria is present in the water, an ultra violet light and kill bacteria. Please note that testing for bacteria needs to be done by the township that you live in. We can, however, install or repair the equipment you need.